Sunday, February 7, 2010

Welcome Stephaine!
So glad you joined the talk about art,well mostly art.
I was hoping you would tell me all about the wonderful shot of the cat you took. If you want, please post it here, and a link to your etsy shop. Thanks Stephaine! Hope to hear from you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hetty,

    The kitty in the picture ( is mine- his name is Panther. I wanted to create something that would emulate the pop-art style of Andy Warhol, and Panther seemed like a viable candidate to take part in such a project!

    However, cats are not the type to stay still for too long. (I have no idea how Rebecca from does it!) One thing that simplified this task was the fact that I inhabit a studio apartment- there are no places for the cats to run and hide! So, after several rounds of me hoisting Panther onto the kitchen table and him jumping onto the floor, I finally got a shot that was crisp enough to upload to my computer. I then used GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program- it's similar to Photoshop) to remove the background (my messy apartment) and tweak the colors, and there you have it! My lovely Panther is famous!

    Photographing animals and nature definitely takes some patience initially, but is usually worth it in the end!

