Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thank you Stephanie for telling us how you got your shot of Panther, and the program you used to get that special effect. It really is a wonderful photo! of course the subject matter is one of my favorites.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Welcome Stephaine!
So glad you joined the talk about art,well mostly art.
I was hoping you would tell me all about the wonderful shot of the cat you took. If you want, please post it here, and a link to your etsy shop. Thanks Stephaine! Hope to hear from you soon,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We had a visitor the other day. He was running around in our back yard, and when we were able to catch up with it, we discovered it was a Ring Necked Pheasant rooster. He is used to being fed by broadcasting grain, so we think he is some ones pet. (or some ones future dinner!) We have made a make-shift, temporary home for him in a large dog crate. It is the rainy season here so we are trying to keep both rooster and his food dry. We have posters up in neighborhood, and have contacted one of the vets and the feed-store to try to find the owner. We are going to try to find a new owner if that does not work. I love birds and think they are very beautiful and fun to draw, but I am very allergic to feathers so we can not keep him. Boo!
Did you know pheasants "hiss?" Every time our dog gets too close to the crate the bird hisses at her. I found that very surprising! And very funny!
I fed the rooster some Red Wiggler worms from our compost pile, along with his regular pheasant grain. He likes rolled oats too. Did not think much of the pieces of apple and carrot I put in his dish. I will post some of the pictures we took of him, as soon as I figure out how to up-load them.
Have a great day today, and I pray that God will bless you!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome Linda!
I am really interested in your art. What are you working on now? Are you taking any classes?
How do you even find the time to do any art work with all the work you do raising your wonderful alpacas? I hope people will visit your site at It is really interesting.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.